Interactive Diagrams


Using HTML5 standards, our multi platform parts viewer can be placed into any existing website with just one simple line of code. Brands, categories, products and drawings instantly appear. All of the the data is stored on our secure high end data server, meaning there is no need for you worry about hardware, complicated scripts, or bandwidth issues.

Parts Information

Product diagrams and parts information are held on our central system. Once a user makes a selection, the information can be passed to your website / business system in a variety of ways including, browser redirects, pop up windows or Ajax style web calls.

Advanced integration

Using Ajax web calls, the viewer is able to communicate directly with your business system, enabling you to display your own descriptions, prices, part images and stock information directly into the viewer, as well as capturing end user selections. You have complete control.

Your data

Data is the key to success. Vision Spares, has already accumulated vast amounts of data for specific brands, ready for you to start using today. For additional data, we can provide a managed service for you where we prepare and load the data on your behalf, all for a remarkably low cost. We can also provide you with the tools and knowledge enabling you to prepare the data sets yourself. However you choose to do it, we are here to help you every step of the way.

Copyright © 2012 Vision Spares Ltd. All rights reserved.